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Want to use The Separation Guide but your partner isn’t convinced?

When choosing the best way to separate, it’s common for partners to push for different things.

Perhaps you’d like to use The Separation Guide process but your partner isn’t convinced. They might be worried that a choice suggested by you will work against them.

We often hear this story: “I suggested we try The Separation Guide, but because I was the one who suggested they were a bit suspicious. They wondered if I knew someone there who would take my side over theirs.”

Why The Separation Guide is for both of you

Working towards a fair and equitable outcome for both partners is at the core of what we do — as well as aiming to avoid escalation and keep costs down for everyone.

Because The Separation Guide is exactly that – a guide. It guides both couples and individuals to:

  • a better understanding of what they need
  • the right process for them
  • the right providers for them.

Our process is designed so that you can choose to engage with our network of experts together or separately.

  • You can take the 3-minute online Q&A together or separately
  • You can book a complimentary initial consultation with a Separation Guide expert together or separately
  • If your separation requires Lawyers, we will recommend different accredited members from The Separation Guide’s Network so there’s no conflict of interest.

We suggest both partners take advantage of our free resource hub as an entry point to understand what we do and how separation works.

Be on equal footing in separation

By taking our 3-minute online Q&A, your partner can access tailored separation recommendations and a free 30-minute consultation to help them decide if the approach is right for them too.

So, when the question is asked:
Why should I trust the service you have selected?

The answer is:
Check out the site and do the Q&A. It’s all about both of us getting a fair deal.

The Separation Guide aims to make separation and divorce simpler, more manageable and less stressful. To find out more about how one of our Network Members could support your separation, take our free 3-minute Q&A.

The information in our resources is general only. Consider getting in touch with a professional adviser if you need support with your legal, financial or wellbeing needs.

  • "I feel this website is the best, fairest and most sensible and economical way of handling things from start to finish." Anonymous
  • "We are just so grateful for the way you have handled this. Our circumstances are so specific we needed the expert care....That's what we have got." Anonymous
  • "Thanks for going the extra mile. I couldn't have asked for better service." Anonymous
  • "I wanted to let you know that I am very appreciative of all your help and assistance." Anonymous
A separation guide character parent with their child

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This 3-minute Q&A can help you better understand how separation and divorce work.

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Who’s who in your separation crew?

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About The Separation Guide

Our purpose is to make separation and divorce in Australia simpler, more manageable and less expensive. Here's how we help you navigate the maze.

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