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Child Support Consultants

Child Support Consultants help you navigate the different Government departments and processes involved in setting up child support. Their empathetic and experienced subject-matter experts will guide you through Services Australia Child Support and Centrelink to set you up with the suitable options and support you need to get the best possible outcome for the whole family.

There are many variables when it comes to child support. How should it be assessed? Is it better for you if it’s privately collected or if Services Australia collects it? How do days of care affect things? What income is included in the calculation? What else do I need to consider?

You’ll make decisions with long-term implications you may not feel for some time and may be difficult to untangle if they are not in your family’s best interest.

To save time and potential future headaches, make sure you set up your child support correctly the first time. Speak to Child Support Consultants to understand how your child support can be assessed, managed and collected and how your payments will interact with other income and Family Tax Benefits so you can confidently take that next step.

Meet the Child Support Consultant in our Network

Crystal Paduch started working for Services Australia Child Support in 2009. For over a decade, she assisted parents as they struggled with the system, feeling lost in its complexities. Witnessing the frustration and confusion firsthand, she realised she could play a role in bridging the gap for these families.

In 2021, Crystal founded Child Support Consultants, envisioning a platform that offered clear information, empathy, and support – a one-stop shop for parents navigating the system.

Crystal understands that every family is unique and their needs differ. She provides a personalised approach through Child Support Consultants, empowering parents to make informed decisions for their children’s well-being. With Crystal’s guidance and support, parents can confidently navigate the system, ensuring their children receive the financial support they deserve.

You can book either a 60-minute Clarity Package or a Bespoke Child Support Agreement Package with Crystal.


Child Support Consultant Services

Clarity Package $170.00 + GST

People tend to book this session if they feel lost and confused about what’s best for their situation when setting up their child support. Whether you don’t understand the basics or face specific challenges, we can help. We’ll clear up any confusion about the process and offer personalised advice tailored to your situation.

In this 60-minute consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • speak with an experienced consultant
  • receive options, advice, and information to help you resolve child support matters on the spot
  • ask questions relating to your child support assessment and get honest, relevant answers geared toward helping you move forward
  • get the tools you need to communicate effectively about child support matters and ensure you receive relevant information and optimal service every time.

Book this package if you are ready to set up your child support.


Bespoke Binding Child Support Agreement Package, $2,250 AUD + GST per person

People tend to book this package when they want more control over how child support is determined after separation. Unlike the formula assessment administered by Services Australia Child Support, this option allows parents to tailor payments based on their children’s needs. With a binding child support agreement, parents can agree on regular payments or payments for specific expenses, such as school fees or medical expenses. This option is about customising support to fit their family circumstances, whether education, healthcare, or travel costs. The main advantage is its certainty; once the agreement is in place, both parties know what to expect without the yearly fluctuations of a formula assessment, fostering a smoother co-parenting relationship.

Crystal and the team at Child Support Consultants will work with you and your former partner to negotiate and draft specialist-tailored and personalised legally binding child support agreements.

This package includes:

    • Child Support Agreement consultation with both parties
    • drafting, preparation and finalisation of agreement meeting the legal requirements of a Binding Child Support Agreement and Services Australia Child Support’s eligibility criteria for registration
    • legal advice and certification for both parties by independent legal practitioners
    • submission to Services Australia Child Support accompanied by an application for acceptance of the Agreement.

Book this package if you want to formalise a parenting plan and child support arrangement in the most cost effective manner.


Find out more about Child Support Consultants

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